Sweet Leaf

SweetLeaf is the only chemical-free, zero-calorie, zero-carb, zero-glycemic index, natural sweetener there is. Great tasting and all natural, its uses are endless – add a delicious sweetness… Read more
SweetLeaf SteviaClear 4 fl oz
Price: $11.49
Regular Price: $19.99
SweetLeaf Organic Stevia Leaf Extract 25g
Price: $12.99
Regular Price: $16.49
SweetLeaf is the only chemical-free, zero-calorie, zero-carb, zero-glycemic index, natural sweetener there is.
Great tasting and all natural, its uses are endless – add a delicious sweetness to all your favorite foods and beverages!
It’s made by taking the highest quality leaves of the stevia plant and extracting their naturally sweet taste with only cool, purified water. No chemicals. No alcohols. No additives that cover up the great taste nature created.