Personal Care & Beauty
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Bath and Body
Beauty From Within
- Air Freshener
- Antifungal Treatments
- Arnica
- AromaTherapy Oils
- Bruising Creams
- Cellulite Creams
- Collagen (ALL)
- Facial Cleanser's
- Female Enhancement
- Fragrances
- Herbal Insect repellent
- Hyaluronic Acid
- JoJoba Oil Products
- Make Up Products
- Massage Oils
- Natural Cleaning Products
- Natural Cooking Products
- Skin Ailments
- Sun Screen Products
Body Care
- Bath Bombs
- Bath Salts & Epsom Salts
- Bath Soaks and Body Scrubs
- Body Brushes
- Body Lotions
- Body Oils
- Body and Hand Lotion
- Cocoa Butters
- Foot Care
- Hand Creams
- Hand Sanitizers & Wipes
- Liquid Hand Soap
- Loofahs
- Lotions & Moisturizers
- Mineral Baths
- Natural Deodorant's
- Shea Butters
- Tanning Products
- Vitamin E Skin Care
Face Care
First Aid
Hair Care
Nail Care
Oral Care
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What Is A Personal Care Product?
Personal Care items are as diverse as cleansing pads, colognes, cotton swabs, cotton pads, deodorant, eyeliner, facial tissue, hair clippers, lip gloss, lipstick, lip balm, lotion, makeup, hand soap, facial cleanser, body wash, to name a few. Netnutri makes it easy for you to find all of your favorite personal care products. These products are carefully chosen by our beauty experts for the quality of their ingredients and overall effectiveness. From Castile soap to anti-wrinkle serums to Hair Care Netnutri has got you covered.
Looking And Smelling Your Best
Whether you're looking to start a whole new beauty regiment, want to change up your scent or just need a few new facial creams has you covered. We offer a great selection of natural soaps from known brand such as; Dr. Bronners, Nubian Heritage, and Dr. woods to name a few.
Personal Care Products Especially For Uou
Paying special attention on what goes on your skin is a great step in feeling(and smelling) your best, and we aim to support your mission for a fresh and positive feel. Some of the items we’re proudest of are the ones made carefully in small batches, formulated in the USA, and free from sulfates, parabens, and other nasty chemicals. We offer a wide selection of items that are cruelty free, vegan, organic, fragrance free, hypoallergenic, and more.